June 2nd 2019 was a memorable day in theannals of Rosa Mystica Novitiate, Kinnikambla , Mangalore. The New Novice Directress –SrShaletD’Souza BS was officially installed by SrCiciliaMendonca - the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province and called upon to imbibe the spirit of the Shepherd.

The gathered community of Sisters and Novices implored the out pouring of the Holy Spirit upon SrShalet D’Souza BS. 

Then the felicitation program was organized during which she was congratulated Sr Shalet and Sr Preethi Prathima and Sr Sonia Dias the assistant Novice directresses were welcomed by the Provincial superior and wished themwell.


At the same time Sr Sharon the outgoing Novice Directress was thanked for her valuable services rendered to the Novices for the past three years. The presence of Sr Anna Maria BS the Provincial Councilor added joy to the occasion. 

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