Dear Sisters, we are already in the NEW YEAR 2014. All of us have begun this year with high hopes and expectations and we desire that this year be beautiful and grace-filled with blessings from the Divine. As we move along the year, let us look in four directions: look back and get experience; look forward and see hope; look around and see reality; look within and feel confident. When we do this, there will be certainly something new in us and new from us. Yes, we cannot be the same and should not be! At this juncture, it is worthwhile to recall the words of our former President, Mr Abdul Kalam who said, “Have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed.” May it happen in each one of us and I entrust each one of you dear sisters to the care of our Blessed Mother and pray for her maternal intercession on you and on your families. May she make us like her Son Jesus and teach us to be truly committed to HIM and to his CAUSE.

A man was carrying a candle as he was climbing the stairs of a lighthouse. On their way up, the candle asked the man, “Where are we going?” “We are going to the top of this light house and give signals to the big ships on the ocean,” the man answered. “What? How could it be possible for me with my small light to give signals to those big ships? “They will never be able to see my light”, replied the candle weakly. “That’s your part. If your light is small, let it be. All you have to do is keep burning and leave the rest to me,” said the man. A little later, they arrived at the top of the lighthouse where there was a big lamp. Then the man lit the lamp with the light of the candle and instantly, the place shone so brightly that the ships on the ocean could see its light. Dear sisters, as we march on, let us do our best and leave the rest to God. He will change our petty things into something big, great and extraordinary. Let us entrust our cares to HIM.

On the 14th of this month we celebrate the golden jubilee of our 12 sisters and silver jubilee of our 5 sisters. We rejoice over them and their commitment to Jesus and to the Poor. We thank God for each one of them and appreciate greatly their service with love. My dear golden and silver jubilarians, God looked at your generosity and availability. He looked at your heart full of love, at your open hands ready to serve, at your feet ready to walk miles, at your disposition to give Him everything without counting the cost, at your feminine body ready for any sacrifice and endure any pain and suffering… Both – HE and YOU – looked at each other and there began the story of your vocation to walk hand in hand with Him. In the past 50 and 25 years, He never failed you, He never abandoned you. You also found joy in remaining faithful to Him and never gave up the battle of faith. Congratulations dear sisters.  As you move on, I pray that nothing disturbs you; nothing distracts you from your focus, JESUS. Let everything and everyone take you to HIM and you move from HIM to others. God bless you!

Sr Mariette BS
Provincial Superior

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