On the occasion of golden jubilee of National Service Scheme in India, Rosa Mystica PU College NSS Unit celebrated NSS Day on Dec 3, 2019. Sr Cicilia Mendonca, Manager of Bethany Educational Society and the Provincial of Mangalore Province addressed the students and said, that Mahathma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda inspired the young minds to see God in all and serve the humanity. To be obedient and listen to the guidance of the parents, elders and teachers will stand in good stead in the future. She also urged the students to be disciplined and do good at all times to all.  
Shri D Srinivas an expert trainer of NSS Volunteers, the Principal of Janata PU College, Adyanadka, Vitla. as a chief guest of the day   motivated students to know ones capacity, to have curiosity to improve upon and to be creative in implementing it.
Mr Avil R D’Silva, had trained the NSS students through the year for Annual Camp at Neerude which was a great success.
Rev Sr Juliana the superior & the local manager of Rosa mystica Educational institutions, Sr Mariebelle the Correspondent, Sr Lolita Pereira, Headmistress of Rosa mystica Kannada Med. High School, Sr Lilly D’Souza, Headmistress of Kannada Higher Primary School, Sr Anitha Tressy, Headmistress of Bethany School, Mrs Lavina Lobo Principal D Ed college and all our associates of Rosa Mystica Institutions were present. Sr Anita Lydia the Principal welcomed the gathering. Mrs Sujatha Lecturer in Kannada proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Avil R D’Silva the coordinator  NSS unit compeered the programme.
Golden Jubilee of NSS at Rosa Mystica PU College
On the occasion of golden jubilee of National Service Scheme in India, Rosa Mystica PU College NSS Unit celebrated NSS Day on Dec 3, 2019. Sr Cicilia Mendonca, Manager of Bethany Educational Society and the Provincial of Mangalore Province addressed the students and said, that Mahathma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda inspired the young minds to see God in all and serve the humanity. To be obedient and listen to the guidance of the parents, elders and teachers will stand in good stead in the future. She also urged the students to be disciplined and do good at all times to all.  
Shri D Srinivas an expert trainer of NSS Volunteers, the Principal of Janata PU College, Adyanadka, Vitla. as a chief guest of the day   motivated students to know ones capacity, to have curiosity to improve upon and to be creative in implementing it.
Mr Avil R D’Silva, had trained the NSS students through the year for Annual Camp at Neerude which was a great success.
Rev Sr Juliana the superior & the local manager of Rosa mystica Educational institutions, Sr Mariebelle the Correspondent, Sr Lolita Pereira, Headmistress of Rosa mystica Kannada Med. High School, Sr Lilly D’Souza, Headmistress of Kannada Higher Primary School, Sr Anitha Tressy, Headmistress of Bethany School, Mrs Lavina Lobo Principal D Ed college and all our associates of Rosa Mystica Institutions were present. Sr Anita Lydia the Principal welcomed the gathering. Mrs Sujatha Lecturer in Kannada proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Avil R D’Silva the coordinator  NSS unit compeered the programme.

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