Christmas - the great mystery of the Incarnation is the core of our Christian message. It is the mystery over which the rationalists stumble, by which the humanists are offended and by which the world is bewildered.We celebrate Christmas when we make God’s transforming grace visible by participating in the ongoing struggle against all sorts of discrimination and injustice, against all that impedes our quest for truth and wholeness. When we create a new culture of human fellowship marked by respect and love, a new society that is more just and less violent and a new history that is more human and caring, then we make visible Emmanuel – the transforming grace of God’s loving presence in the world.Christ not only lived in the flesh, but He livesin our hearts. It makes no difference whowe are. Our lives can be changed if we humble ourselves and let Christ take up residence in our hearts. Then weshall be a “new creation!”
Wish you all Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Happy New Year!

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Bethany Provincialate
Vamanjoor, Mangalore, 575028
Karnataka, India.

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