Report by; Sr Anna Maria BS Secretary, Jeevandhara Social Service Trust, Kulshekar, Mangalore

The TABS were distributed to three of the students as a digital aid by the FEVOURD-K (Federation of Voluntary Organisations for Urban and Rural Development- Karnataka) sponsored by DHWANI Foundation, Bangalore through Jeevandhara Social Service Trust, Kulshekar, Mangalore. The programme was held at St Raymond’s High School at 2.00pm. Ms Shubhashaya, the Programme and Training Manager of Favourd –K, Mr Harish, the President of FAVOURD-K D.K District, Sr Anna Maria the Secretary of Jeevandhara Social Service Trust as well as the Secretary of FAVOURD –K D.K District, Sr Vidya Pinto BS the Headmistress of the School along with Sr Wilma Mathew BS the programme coordinator of Jeevandhara Social Service trust, Kulshekar were present on the Dais.






Ms Shubashaya encouraged the students to achieve their goals in life by being dedicated to their studies along with the extracurricular activities. The TABS are provided to such students who excel in their studies along with other outstanding performance. The TABS would be an aid for online education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sr Anna Maria explained the do’s and dont’s of using the electronic gadgets as an aid towards digital education. She appreciated the generous gift given by DHWANI foundation through the instrumentality of FAVOURD-K. She also said that earlier Jeevandhara helped three of the students by providing them smart phones as a help for their online education. Mr Harish said that children need to be motivated for studies through various means and incentives so that they bring out their hidden talents to master the skills. Children need to be guided in order to be the leaders of the Society.
The TABS were gifted to ShraddaMokashi, PoorviShetty and Deepthi of class X students in the presence of the staff, students and their mothers. Sr JessyPreema the Asst Headmistress had collected and sent the details of the students for the selection. She was appreciated on the occasion. Sr Vidya Pinto, the Headmistress of the School welcomed the gathering and compeered the programme. There were 35 members present on the occasion.

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