Years end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on with all the wisdom that experience can install in us.


To mark the celebration of new year 2024. The management of St Raymond's institution organized days staff enrichment program , in St Raymond Eng Med Pre- Primary School hall on 1 January, 2024. Opening of the program was done by Faculty of St. Raymond Eng Med Higher Primary School leading us in prayer song. Rev. Sr. Shubha B.S, the coordinator for educational apostolate, Mangalore Province and Correspondent of St. Raymond's Institutions and Rev. Dr Fr. Alwyn Serrao The Principal, St. Antony's College, Naravi were the dignitaries of the day.After the general welcome Sr Lavitha Flavitha, The faculty of St Raymond's Higher Primary school briefly introduced the resource person to all of us Fr. Alwyn Serrao's talk was boosting to the gathering. He discussed on various classroom skills and strategies, Practical and theoretical examples were exchanged, Emphasis on reading and writing skills were also shared. Father highlighted the concept of various tricks to communicate effectively with the students, active engagement methods to keep students active, assessing and addressing individual students' needs. Moreover he also promoted the love for reading through interactive activities. Rev. Sr Shubha BS gave the New Year blessings to the gathering and motivated to grow and pursue the success in the brand new year. Sr. Lavita, Headmistress, St. Raymond's Higher Primary School, Sr. Anita Lydia, Principal, St. Raymond's P. U. College, Sr. Vidya BS, Headmistress, St. Raymond's Kannada Medium School, Sr. Shanthi Flavia, Headmistress, St. Raymond's English Medium School, Sr. Jacintha Crasta Principal, St. Raymond's Degree College, and the faculty of St. Raymond's Campus took part in this meaningful event. 

Mrs Stinita, The Faculty of St Raymond's English Medium High School proposed the vote of thanks. The program was compeered by Mrs. Savitha Menezes, Faculty, St. Raymond's P U College. Faculty members gained valuable insights and learned to grow professionally.

Mrs Riyona

Assistant Teacher

St Raymond PU College


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