Report by : Sr Zeena Menezes BS, Assistant Teacher, Bethany Hr Pry School, Kilpady,Mulki

July 16th 2021 is a red letter day in the life of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore. It is on this day a hundred years ago, Bethany came into existence. We are happy to be a part of Bethany Educational Society at

Kilpady,Mulki. Bethany Hr.Pry School Kilpady, Mulki is the offshoot of BES which has its origin and roots in the life of Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the Founder.

The joy has no bound as the students of our school celebrated the closing of the Centenary year. The life of the founder and the founding members is an inspiration for all of us. On this occasion our students participated in the activity on drawing the portraits of the Founder. They have imbibed the traits of the Founder.


As the founder was fond of environment and nature,our students also participated in the home grown flower arrangement activity. Through this activity students have cultivated love for nature. In a small way they take care of the flower garden and appreciate the God of beauty and love. Our students take care of the mother earth which is a common home for all. In the families they are willingly and joyfully cater to the small handiwork and grow in the dignity towards manual work. These values were taught to the students as part of Bethany culture.




 Indeed the students enjoyed the online activities and celebrated the closing of the centenary year.



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