"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." (Jackie Robinson)

The day to celebrate had dawned with showers of gentle rains and Divine blessings. The BLA members gathered in the Convent premises to share the joy of the feast of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus. At 6.30 p.m. the Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Praveen Aranha SVD. Thereafter everyone took part in the cultural evening. The songs, jokes and games made everyone young in spirit. Besides as Martin Luther King Jr says "The time is always right to do what is right." they remembered the suffering brethren of Manipur and offered prayers with lighted candles and sang a song in dedication to them. They also recognised the loving services of the domestic helper of the convent Mrs Monica and honoured her with flowers and gift. Everyone was grateful to Bethany for giving them an opportunity to be a part of Bethany and to serve the humanity. All shared the sumptuous meal arranged by the BLA members themselves.




Sr Cecilia D Souza

Mother of Mercy Convent, Kirem

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